5th Grade Rainforest

Image result for rainforest

TP – Students will research, identify, and illustrate the layers in the rainforest by creating a Powerpoint presentation

You will work with your group to start to summarize your assigned Layer of the Rainforest.  You will be teaching about your layer to the rest of the class. Make sure to answer the questions that are listed below while creating your slides.

  1. What are the animals in our layer?
  2. What does our layer look like?
  3. What kinds of plants are in this layer?
  4. What is the relationship between the plants and animals in your layer?
  5. What is a description of our layer?
  6. What other interesting information do we want the other students to learn about our layer?
  7. How does your layer interact with the other layers?

Things to think about while researching and creating:

  • Is your source reliable?
  • What are your slides going to look like?
  • What tech skills (transitions, gifs, animations, etc.) will you incorporate?

Some examples of helpful sites:







Poem Viewing

TP – Students will view and evaluate the projects of their peers


Dates of viewing:

Class 403 – Friday, April 1st

Class 407 – Friday, April 1st

Class 409 – Wednesday, March 30th

Class 410 – Monday, March 28th

Class 411 – Monday, March 28th

Class 412 – Monday, March 28th




6th Grade Poem

Teaching Point: Student will interpret a poem by creating a slide(s) using Microsoft Powerpoint

Do you think you might be done?  You should be able to answer these questions.

Please think about these questions as you choose your words and design your project?

  • What tone would you like to set?  How do you plan on accomplishing this?
  • What media tools are you using to set your tone?  What are you doing with those tools?
  • Why did you pick that font, pic, sound? Be able to explain?
  • How do you want this poem to make others feel?  Do think you accomplished this? Why?

Share your project with a classmate.  Offer them constructive criticism and do the same for them.

If Mr. Sillman says you are done, then you may submit your work.

You may now help your classmates, go to Jason.org, or work on your science fair project. YOU ARE NOT PLAYING GAMES.