7th GRADE – Animating a Sequence

TP – Students will design an animated sequence using Microsoft Powerpoint

Students in the 7th grade will be creating an animated sequence using Microsoft Powerpoint.  This will help you to navigate the tools and abilities of Powerpoint.  You will learn how to create new slides, have slides automatically go to the next slide, insert clip art, create and insert sound, use the shape tool, and more.

This link shows multiple ways to do multiple things:


Here are some sites and tutorials to help:






My outline

Animated sequence

Your Rubric:

animation rubric

Welcome New Classes!

I would like to welcome all my new 6-8 grade students to this site.  It will help you throughout the course.  It has many resources and your current projects on it at all times.  You can access it through any internet device (CPU, Laptop, Tablet, Phone, etc.)  Here is the first lesson we will work on to begin the course:

Technology Project Jan

Ask me if you have any questions!