8th Grade Movie Maker:

TP – Students will learn the features of windows movie maker by tutorial and exploration

Windows Movie Maker Tutorial

Here is an 8 min movie to teach the basics:







Start to think about the book The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan.

What have you learned from this book?

What can you take away from what you read in this book?

Do you agree/disagree with the author? why?

Is his thought process realistic?

Think about a topic in nutrition and or our eating habits that you would like to make your movie on.  How does it relate to Science? Social Studies?  What aspect of that topic are you going to explore?

Your project should include:

  • elements of the book
  • Your own critique (positive or negative)
  • Topic of focus
  • Evidence to support your claims
  • Evidence in text/media/graphics
  • References of evidence sources

Your Project (BE CREATIVE):

  • a Public Service Announcement (PSA)
  • a commercial
  • a living comic book
  • a documentary

You must use Windows Movie Maker or a similar movie making program.  It must include sound and images (moving or still).  You may work in teams of 2-4 students on the project.

Movie Maker Project Rubric-25b7gf2